Touching the Sun with Liam Finn, NASA/JPL Solar System Ambassador

Touching the Sun with Liam Finn, NASA/JPL Solar System AmbassadorMonday, May 5 at 7 PM

While we understand a lot of how the Sun works and functions there are still many mysteries. The Parker solar probe aims to teach us more about how our Sun functions and give us up close scientific knowledge of the sun’s Corona. Let’s discuss the details of the Parker solar probe mission are expectations and what we have learned from it’s mission.

Liam Finn, a resident of Wixom and NASA/JPL Solar System Ambassador, Vice president of the Great Lakes Association Of Astronomy Clubs, Planetarian at Henry Ford College and avid astronomer.

Passionate about STEM outreach and explaining the workings of the cosmos.

While you can still find Liam looking through telescopes, these days he wants to know how these things work… so cool geeky science experiments are often added in for extra fun. Liam does numerous outreach events and talks both under the night sky and indoors

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